Fill out your details in the form below, and you will instantly see your recommended calorie and macro intake.
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No, the number you see above has calculated your calorie deficit already given your physical stats and activity level, if you chose 'fat loss' as your goal.
According to the latest research and from working with thousands of clients, the macronutrient numbers we have for each goal have been calculated by our nutritonal experts to ensure you achieve the desired results. This said, depending on your goal, some macro nutrients are more important to stay exact on. For example, tracking your protein amount for all goals is especially important when trying to add muscle. For fat loss, stick to the guided amount of fat intake and for those who are athletically minded, stay as close as possible to the carbohydrate intake suggested to help performance.
No, the above calculation works on eating an average calorie need over the course of a week, making it easier to manage your diet. So over the course of a week you will be eating the right amount of calories, split evenly, daily.
If you exercise very intensely on some days, and are highly sedentary on other days, you can choose to times your calories by 7, and eat more on training days, and less on rest days, but for the average trainer exercising 3-4x per week, eating the same, daily, will lead to the same outcome over the course of a week and make it easy to manage your diet.
Not active - This is for those who rarely exercise.
Moderately active - This is for those who exercise 2-3 times per week.
Very active is for those that exercise 5 times or more per week.
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