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Article: Pesticide Free, No Heavy Metals - backup

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Pesticide Free, No Heavy Metals - backup

Dean Howell (AKA The Real Health Coach)
Founder, Vegan & Ex Pro Footballer

Pesticide Free and Heavy Metal Transparency, we are verified A+++

Heavy metals and pesticides are extremely toxic to the human body when ingested consistently on a regular basis. The toxicities of pesticides to a varying degree are toxic towards there targets but also humans. Due to there chemical properties, pesticides can easily penetrate biological barriers and accumulate in lipid compartments of cells. They can interfere with the metabolism of various compounds within the body and cause harmful effects within organ systems, particularly the nervous system. Unfortunately in modern society, contamination of these harmful toxics find there way into food products. Eliminating heavy metals from the food supply is difficult because these metals are found in air, water and soil, they are then taken up by plants as they grow. Rice protein is associated with high levels of arsenic. We made a decision to never use this source of protein in any of our protein blends.

Please see our test certificates below, compared to all other plant protein providers they are the lowest in the industry.

The symbol > indicates no detection below the stated levels. Shockingly, many of the certified organic ingredients we tested, had a higher level of heavy metal present than the non-certified organically grown ingredients we use. Heavy metals within organic products are becoming an increasing problem

RAW SPORT is Certified Pesticide FREE

Pesticides in foods are predominantly residues from their application on growing crops and post harvest application on agricultural products. Your exposure to these elements is governed by food choices and the ethos of the companies you buy from. 

Raw Sport upholds the highest standards and strives to deliver transparency in everything we do. The company’s ethos has always been to design products that are of the highest standard and free from the contaminants that are prevalent in many products on the sports nutrition market. We consistently test our batches independently to ensure they meet our quality control standards. If you down load the files at the end of the email you will see our latest batch test results for our elite protein range. It is clear that we have an exceptionally clean product. 

We gauge the heavy metal in our product against the consumer wellness centre standards in the U.S.A. They independently test products in America and have identified unsafe levels of contaminants within health products. If you follow the link below to the consumer wellness centre webpage, you can check our heavy metal result against their standards. Our product, based on the guidelines qualifies as verified A+++. For clarity, mg per kg is the same as parts per million (ppm)

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Our Results are health and performance focused....

✅We have sold over 100,000 supplements.

✅Rated ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

✅No Heavy Metals

✅Non GMO

✅Dairy Free ✅Soy Free ✅Gluten Free

✅No Added Sugar ✅Vegan

Industry leading sports nutrition

Professional sports men and women are moving to plant based nutrition....

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